Rochester Landscape Designs, Inc. has been offering top quality service to Rochester and the surrounding area for over 30 years! Call us today to find out how we can make your outdoor living dreams come true! We take pride in serving both homeowners and professional customers, such as landscapers, contractors, and repairmen. Our experienced team of landscape improvement professionals are committed to providing guidance, inspiration as well as hands-on landscape assistance.
We’re interested in helping anyone wanting to undertake landscape projects on their property. We have the experience, training and the pride in our work to complete your job from start to finish with top quality results! Landscape plant materials, mulches, topsoil, fertilizers, fencing supplies and much more. All the products we use are top quality and have proven their durability with Rochester, NY weather and environment. We also offer installation services of all the products that we carry! We specialize in Hardscapes, Fencing, Lighting, Plantings and Property Maintenance Services.

Master Plans: multi-year, full site design.
Specific feature design: walks, patios, terraces and decks.
Planting plans and garden design layout.
Swimming pool, spa and water feature design.
3D Landscape design
Grading plans for improving water run-off.
Construction details: how to build your landscape drawing.

Walkways, concrete pavers.
Patios, concrete pavers(dry-set installations).
Flagstone, slate and gravel walks/paths.
Flagstone and Bluestone patios.
Front stoops, landings and porches.
Broken Flagstone walks and patios.
Outdoor Kitchens.
Fire Pits.
Stepping stone natural broken flagstone and manufactured concrete.

Retaining walls with concrete molded wall units.
Two sided sitting walls.
Garden walls out of natural fieldstone.
Boulder style steps on slopes. Limestone or manufactured.
6” x 6” timber style walls.
Stepping stone natural broken flagstone and manufactured concrete.

Foundation plantings, ornamental shade and flowering trees.
Deer-resistant plantings.
Ground covers, perennial flower gardens and annual flower beds.
Evergreen plantings and property line screening.
Wholesale plant delivery.

Decks, pergolas, arbors and gazebos.
Bird houses on posts, mailboxes, flagpoles and sculpture placement.
Outdoor kitchens, fireplaces and fire pits of all sizes.
Lattice Screens, fence design and custom wood work.
‘Secret’ garden design.
Garden Architecture &
Site Accents

Water Features and Ponds
Inground pool design and layout.
Fish ponds, waterfalls and fountains.
Water spillways built into walls.
Spa design and placement.
Pondless waterfalls.
Dry streams.

Bed edging, mulching and weed control.
Shrub pruning and shaping.
Old foundation shrub removals.
Power washing walkways and patios.
Ornamental tree and shrub fertilizing.
Gravel base installation for sheds.
Lawn installation.
Patios, walkways and wall repair.
Drainage improvements.